

I just got back from a very busy 4 days in East Lansing MI for the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Region III.  It was a great week of acting, design, directing, and learning.  I went at Jenny Reber's scene partner for the Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship competition.  We had to prepare two scenes and then she had to have a monologue ready.  We never made it past the first round, but we had a great time working together, and I was very happy that she asked me to be her scene partner.  So after the we found out we didn't make it to the second round I was able to relax and go to workshops and see shows.  It was a great time and it really allowed me to realize once more that I am on the right track, because I love theatre.  However I am simply exhausted! First off I was not feeling the greatest so that didn't help, and I had to sleep in a hotel bed, and it's just not the same.  Secondly it is just a jam packed week of workshops and shows and little sleep.  All in all it was a great time - but I am very happy to get back and start my last semester of college.  Holy crap that's a crazy sentence to say...the real world is so close I can smell it!

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