
Ups and Downs

Already this semester is heading downhill...it is going to probably be the hardest semester of my college career.  Part of it is my fault - but part of it is the teachers fault for not realizing that their students have 17 credit hours and that theirs isn't at the top of that list.

But on an "up" note - I'm hoping to start a Bible/book study/ accountability thing.  Accountability is something I've had in the past, but never in the city I'm living in.  It's always been over the phone or a quick dinner when I'm in town.  But this time I want it to be different.  I need to be completely open to this guy - that is what its going to take for me to change.  There's so much about myself that I need to change, and sometimes I feel like I'm at the last straw before I go over...Depression is never something I'd say I've struggled with, but lately it's been hard to put a smile on.  I need someone I can talk to on a face-to-face intimate level, who understands and won't judge me.  I really hope it works out because it could really be life changing.

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