
Single - and not really loving it

I don't know why this is so hard sometimes especially at this time of year.  Maybe it's because when I was home visiting my family there is always the question, "So you dating anyone?" or "Is there a special lady in your life?" I mean come on people there are so many more interesting things to talk about. 

I guess the thing that has been bugging me more and more lately is when my best friends find their perfect match.  I was watching a movie the other day with four of my friends - two couples - and me the odd man out - the fifth wheel.  It's just hard.  And is it stupid to say that I wanted someone to kiss at midnight? Cause I did.  I guess it's hard because all the time I hear from some of my female friends, "Stephen you're going to make a great boyfriend and husband some day." Would it be rude to respond with, "Why? It's not like you want to date me so how do you know that?"  But instead I say "Thanks, so I've been told." and continue living knowing that "some day" is not today.  When will "some day" be today? 

I've been in a relationship before and I know I screwed it up big time because I kinda freaked out and over committed myself to it, but I've grown a lot since then, there just doesn't seem to be anyone who is right for me.  But then do I need to wait to find the "perfect" (which doesn't exist by the way) person for me, just to go on a date?  Being at Bethel College there is all this pressure to find "Mrs. Right" but why?  If you hold hands with someone on campus, by the end of the day people are asking me if "she's the one?"  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  I'm the kind of guy who will link arms with a girl when we're walking somewhere or hold hands with someone when we're praying...that does not mean we are dating, it just means we're good friends.  Bethel really sucks at the whole dating concept.  Because if I were to ask a girl out - immediately it is assumed that I have marriage in mind - but you know that they say about ASSuming right?

I don't know it's just frustrating - and all to often I ask myself, "Am I doing something wrong?"

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