
Procrastination or a much needed day off

So today was MLK day.  We had only half of a day of school so I was done with classes at 1pm.  Then I had a meeting at 2pm auditions for The Importance of Being Ernest from 3-6pm.  Then I came home for a much needed relaxing evening.  However, my plans to work ahead on my homework because of my day off failed me.  As I got to thinking about my procrastinations I realized that maybe my mind just needed a day off.  Since January 3rd my brain has not stopped working.  It is now the 17th and I don't really remember a day where I've just sat down and relaxed.  Yes tomorrow and Wednesday I may regret my procrastination, but the feeling I get tomorrow when I wake up refreshed will outweigh my regret.  I just think that your brain needs to be turned to the "off" position every now and then because the "on" position can get strained and turn into the "overdrive and tuckered out" position far too easily.

So tonight was not about my procrastination, it was about me wanting to stay fresh and on top of things without being completely exhausted.

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