
a wandering mind

So I'm sitting in the most boring class I've ever had - so my mind wanders...here are the wanderings of my mind.

God is so good.
He has asked me to fully rely on Him, and I feel like I've finally done it.  I don't need anyone else.  I love my friends, but currently Christ is all I need.  He is good.
I'm working through Hosea right now.  Through reading this, I've discovered that if God can ask one of his beloved prophets to marry a prostitute and still have a divine plan, than I should be able to do whatever God asks of me.  I have no reason to hold back.  Hosea must have been almost heartbroken knowing that he is going to marry someone who is unfaithful, but because God asked him to, Hosea was willing.  God has asked me to let go of certain things in my life that I've always held on to.  It was so hard, but now that I feel like I've succeeded I couldn't be happier.
I can say with confidence that God is my number one.  He is all that I need, everything else can fade away and I will still be able to live on, because God is all I need.  The thing that makes my heart full, is knowing how awful I've been, and yet God still wants to love me.  He wants a relationship with me, and has always been there holding me even when I didn't see feel Him.

God is so good

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