
That's All I Need To Know

Life has been SO good lately. God has had such a visible presence in my life this last month and a half that I have been able to live with such a sense of peace that He is in absolute control.  I travel with a group of six guys around the Midwest singing for Sunday morning services and youth groups.  The group is called Prov3rb5.  When I introduce the group and tell the congregation about what our group stands for i say something like this:

Two years ago when we got together to decide out group motto, mission, and verse we started searching the Scriptures for something that really captured our passions.  We found verses that worked, but nothing really jumped out to us.  This searching process brought us to Proverbs 3:5 which says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."  We realized that this verse embodies exactly what we as college men need to do, because we have no idea what's next.  We know what's happening now - we are students at Bethel College, but after graduation we have no clue what's in store for us.  But that's okay, because as long as we trust in the Lord with all of our heart we can rely on the fact that God has an infinite plan that is so much greater than anything we could ever imagine.

I say this because it is exactly what my life has been about in this last semester of my college career.  I have people asking me almost daily what my plans are for next year.  Honestly I have no clue.  I have an application in for a theatre apprenticeship in Chicago, and I have a call back in Cincinnati next weekend, but truthfully I have no official plans for next August and beyond.  Those who know me well always ask how I am handling that.  Because normally I would be thoroughly freaking out because I have no plan.  But the truth is, I am perfectly fine with not having a plan set in stone.  I graduate in one month and I don't know what's next and I am calm as can be.  Why? Because I know that God has an infinite plan that is so much greater than I could every imagine.  He knows what's next and that is good enough for me.

We need to stop worrying about what is next in our lives.  No we cannot be so passive that we expect the opportunities to come our way (I am not saying that at all), but we need to stop letting our worrying get in the way of actually listening to God's calling on our lives.  Knowing that God has a plan, should be enough.  If his plan is for me to be in Chicago next year doing professional theatre I will be ecstatic, but if he chooses to lead me to Cincinatti, Ohio I know that he has a specific reason for that and I can't wait to see what it is.  Even if he decides to send me back to Naperville, IL and to work at Old Navy I know that there is a reason.  He has a reason for everything, and that is all I need to know.