
2011 - Consistency

So 2010 - i'm so glad you're gone...while you had some good times - when i look back on you, not too much strikes me as worthwhile. 

2011 - it looks like you'll be better than 2011.  First off I graduate, second off I will be getting two nieces (one of which could be here in a few hours!!!), third I get to find a real job and get to begin my real life.  It's actually quite thrilling.  While I'm completely freaked out about that last point I'm really excited to find out what God has in store for me.

While I'm not really one for New Year's resolutions - I've actually got some this year.  But I've also always held the theory that if you tell people your resolutions you have a harder time keeping them.  I just hope that I'll be able to be consistent this year.  I think that's my biggest prayer or hope or whatever you want to call it.  Consistency.