
Isn't it amazing

I've recently starting a new blog.  My other google account got spammed so I started over.  But I guess it's a good thing because I know I've definitely turned over a new leaf in my life and this can just be one more thing that is starting fresh.  I recently had an epiphany - not only do I need to seek forgiveness from God, but I need to fully rely on Him to take away those sinful desires in my life.  It was something that I've known my whole life, but I'm at a point in my life where I have realized it more clearly than ever.  Here's the story:

I couldn't sleep the other day - so I went for a drive.  It was about 1am.  I drove for about 45 minutes.  Got on the toll road headed east.  It started to rain so I got off and turned around cause I didn't wanna get caught in a storm on the toll road.  God had different plans.  Not more than 2 minutes after I turned around I was caught in a blinding torrential downpour.  I was driving about 10mph and could not see 2 feet in front of my car.  My hands were on "10 and 2", I was leaning forward and was starting to shake because I was honestly scared.  I had the Christian radio station on, and turned it up to drown out the sound of the rain.

I don't know the names of the song that came on, but over and over again the songs were talking about surrender and fully committing to rely on God's providence.  I could feel God's presence, and knew I needed to open my heart up to listen to Him.  Then it happened.  I could feel a calming sense pass over me and all of the sudden my focus was drawn away from the road.  I could hear God saying, "It's alright Stephen.  Now that I've got your attention - listen to me.  I'll get you home safe, but pay attention to me."  I had an overwhelming sense of peace, and the tears were streaming down my face.  God wanted me to know that He is holding me in His hands, and even though my plans are uncertain, His are certain and His are divine.

Yes I'm graduating, and yes I'm stressing about what I'm supposed to do after school, but I have been granted His divine peace, and I can rely on Him to lead me where I need to go.

Isn't it amazing?